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JF William et Serge Laporte have shared the stage, collaborated on record or co-written with the following: Céline Dion, Nanette, Robert Charlebois, Sass Jordan, Jim Zeller, Plastic Bertrand, Marie-Denise Pelletier, Laurence Jalbert, Marie-Michèle Desrosiers,, Claude Léveillée, Renée Claude, Bruce Huard, Sylvie Boucher, Léandre, Cindy Daniel, Estelle Esse & + The two friends twice received the prize of writing the most played song in Quebec. They also received a special commemorative SOCAN trophy for their body of work as songwriters. They still apply their expertise, be it, in music production for films & TV, jingles, mixing & enjoy their first love with rare passion : creating original music !


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